Monday, December 2, 2013

AFK 04

This is just a small change, but I decided that I will upload my reviews as a normal part of the blog instead of as a separate page. Posting reviews in a comic style is...too...restricted for me. So, I'll post my original comment from that page here:
       This is my review page where I'll be, well, reviewing various video games that I have played (or had close-encounters with). Obviously, all comments are my own opinion (with little influence from others) and should not offend anyone, even though they might. Of course, you all have your own opinions and I don't mind listening (I am opinionated, yet sensible, and a well-type explanation may or may not sway my final opinion). I DO NOT, however appreciate any "trolling" comments such as "omg liek u r so dumb!11!1!" or , "Like, what the actual fuck?" or "did you just" or anything of that sort. You do it anyway, then you're an asshole and an idiot. So, anyway, feel free to read and reply when I get around to writing any reviews, and I don't mind arguments in the comments as long as they are on topic. For example, please don't insult anyone's mother when I'm reviewing, say, Pokemon unless it's the trainer's mothers. Thank you.


        I will use the Home page to post any Reviews that I have written. And be sure to use, I dunno, labels to find any of my old reviews/comments. I will also keep the "Notify Me" box checked so I can keep track of comments. And, please, keep spam to a minimum... Thanks again.

AFK 03

Hello, hello, people. Once again, I have not been active. Finals are coming up, and I'll be really busy, really soon. About last week, I bought the Nintendo 3DS game, Code of Princess (published by ATLUS). I read so many reviews about this game that were negative, (ESPECIALLY from IGN...) but I don't think it's that bad. I mean, it's a PARODY for Hell's sake! Anyway, I enjoyed it and I haven't beaten it 100% yet (I beat the main story in one day). I might write a review on it, and start off my (hopeful) wave of reviews. Also, for the sake of advertising, I am offering Commissions on deviantART! $10.00 USD (or 1000 points) for an anime-style(?) head of your Original Character! (Maybe if I get a pageview thing going, I'll offer fan art for whoever wins or whatever) on --->My deviantART Journal. <---

Monday, November 18, 2013

AFK 02

Okay. Hello, all. I apologize for the ridiculous hiatus. I have been busy (and I mentioned that I am in college, see...?) I will try (again), to update more regularly. I have a LOT of things that I want to do, and well...since the holidays are coming up, I'm hopefully going to have some more free time. Right now, I am going to Livestream some more gameplay. I am also going to add a new tab soon. Probably, it will have to do with my artwork.

Monday, October 7, 2013

AFK 01

'Sup? Right now, I am streaming my first Fiesta Online gameplay video. If you're interested in watching, just check out the AFK Gaming tab. So, you can make comments or, watch, and enjoy! This is still a test video and I'm not aware of everything about this Livestream stuff, so I'm still learning. I'll probably be on for about an hour or so.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

AFK 00.85

Hello, again. Sorry for not posting yesterday, as I was swamped with work...(Note that I said I'll try to post everyday.) As you can see I added the Livestream Tab called AFK Gaming where I'll start recording myself playing games. Most of these games I play I will have played or beaten before, so I'll just, you know, play whatever and whenever I can. Since I'm so busy with homework and stuff, I will not have any time to broadcast anything for a while. So, be on the lookout for any updates. I may add some more pages, eventually. Later!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Away From Kay 00.75

Hello, again everyone. Yes, I just changed the name of the blog. I'm sorry, and I should have let you all know first. (And yes, I'm typing as if I have fans...) Anyway, welcome to Away From Kay (AFK)! I used the name from the AFK state when you're away from the computer game for a while, and people wonder why your character is standing there while everyone else in your party is doing all of the work and you rack up exp... Anyway, don't do that... Also, the name sounds catchy for a gaming blog. Korrekt Me If I'm Wrong, But sounds like a poetry blog, even though I do have some experience in that department. I'll try to make a logo or something for the day when I have the time to design...Yeah, the other names like, "afk", and "afkay", were taken, so I used "awayfromkay", as my final option. Okay, thanks to bearing with me and understand that I'm just starting out and everything is subject to change. Also, I'm gonna try to post something everyday (mostly dealing with games I'm playing now, etc.) so bear with me some more on this. Thanks, and type to you later...dur hur hur...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Away From Kay 00.5

      Oh my goodness... I just fixed my problem. For the past 3-4 days I've been looking for a way to fix my pages. This site kept treat my "My Reviews" page as if it were a post. My apologies. Now, I'll have to do some more tweaking to this site so it can be complete. (First of all I need to write a review, and then I need to make a Livestream account, and finally, I need to play a game that I'm able to record myself playing and maaaaaybe some commentary...?) Also, if things go well and I actually get fans I MIGHT make a Youtube account. Idk if you all should see my face, though... Okay, now you guys can await some actual progress, hee hee hee...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Away From Kay 00

       ...I think I'm sort of new to this, independent blogging thing. 'Sup? I'm Viridescent-Dragon (I love  dragons and my favorite color is green) and this, obviously, is my very own blog, Korrekt Me If I'm Wrong. I'm a gamer/artist/college student/attention-seeker/person who uses too many back-slashes... I play a lot of games like RPGs, Fighting, Action, Some shooters, Strategy, Fantasy, etc. I play a LOT of games, so let me know if you need some feedback on your progress or whatever and we can talk or something. I'm also open to suggestions, so if there's anything that you think I should play, then let me know. I might wanna do some game reviews as well, but I'm not making any progress. I have a quite a few accounts elsewhere, but I making a fresh start. If you know who I am at all from other previous websites, then uh... good for you, I guess?

      I am a pretty debatable person and I like to play "Devil's Advocate" during arguments just to sort of assess my opponents, so don't take it personally when I do that. I also like to ramble on and on sometimes, especially when I'm talking about a topic I like.

      Thanks again for viewing my blog. I won't really post much regularly and I would really appreciate it if I could receive some feedback from any of you guys.

Oh, stop that, really? Am I that cool?